Zeplay Release Notes

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Zeplay Version:
Release Date:
Last Updated:
April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
Release Notes:

Zeplay Macro Commands

For version


Toggle Manual Advance: Toggles the state of Manual Advance on the current clip

Toggle Preset Rate: Toggles the state of Preset Rate on the current clip

Increase Playback Speed: Increases the Playback Speed by 10%

Decrease Playback Speed: Decreases the Playback Speed by 10%

Increase Fade Duration: Increases the Fade Duration of the current clip by 5 frames

Decrease Fade Duration: Decreases the Fade Duration of the current clip by 5 frames

Copy Current Item: Copies the current item to the Clipboard

Paste Before Current Item: Pastes the contents of the Clipboard before the current item

Close Current Item: Closes the current item and sets the Editor back to an empty state. Note: Does not work with modal Editor mode

Change Angle: Sets the current item to use the specified angle number

– Argument Name = angle number

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Split Clip: Splits the clip into two clips at the current position

File Bin

Import Media: Prompts the user for a file and adds it to the File Bin.

Remove Selected: Removes the selected file from the File Bin.

Add To Sequence: Adds the selected file to each of the selected sequences.

Clear Search: Clears the search box, restoring the complete list of files

Set Search: Sets the serach term to the specified term, filtering the list of files

– Argument Name = Text

– Type = String,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Select Previous File: Selects the item before the currently selected item

Select Next File: Selects the item after the currently selected item


Wait: Pauses for the specified number of milliseconds.

– Argument Name = Milliseconds

– Type = Int,

– Default = 500,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 1000,

– Increment = 100

Enable Periodic Trigger: Begins regularly triggering the actions defined in Internal:Periodic

Dsiable Periodic Trigger: Stops regular triggering the actions defined in Internal:Periodic

Set Periodic Trigger Interval: Sets the interval between executions of the Internal:Periodic trigger

– Argument Name = Seconds

– Type = Int,

– Default = 5,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 120,

– Increment = 1

Load Window Layout: Configures the operator’s screen based on the specified Window Layout (.zwl) file

– Argument Name = Path

– Type = Path,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0


SetGPI: Sets the state of the specified GPI Output to true (logic high).

– Argument Name = Output

– Type = Int,

– Default = 1,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 16,

– Increment = 0

ClearGPI: Sets the state of the specified GPI Output to false (logic low).

– Argument Name = Output

– Type = Int,

– Default = 1,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 16,

– Increment = 0

PulseGPI: Sets the state of the specified GPI Output to true (logic high), waits for a short time, and then sets the specified output to false (logic low).

– Argument Name = Output

– Type = Int,

– Default = 1,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 16,

– Increment = 0


Clear: Clears the list of messages. This action cannot be undone

Copy: Copies the text of the selected message(s) to the Clipboard


Mark In: Marks the current position as the in-point of the next play.

Mark Out: Marks the current position as the out-point of the previous play.

Mark New In: Sets the in-point of a new play to the current playback position +/- the specified offset.

– Argument Name = Seconds

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = -30,

– Maximum = 30,

– Increment = 1

Mark New Out: Marks the current position +/- the specified offset as the out-point when in simple mode.

– Argument Name = Seconds

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = -30,

– Maximum = 30,

– Increment = 1

Play: Starts playback of the current content.

GoTo Live: Moves playback as close as possible to ‘Live’.

– Argument Name = Offset

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3600,

– Increment = 1

Step Forward: Moves the playback position forward.

– Argument Name = Seconds

– Type = Int,

– Default = 1,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 30,

– Increment = 1

Step Back: Moves the playback position backwards.

– Argument Name = Seconds

– Type = Int,

– Default = 1,

– Minimum = 1,

– Maximum = 30,

– Increment = 1

Set Playback Speed: Sets the playback speed to the specified value.

– Argument Name = Speed

– Type = Percent,

– Default = 0.5,

– Minimum = -2,

– Maximum = 2,

– Increment = 0

Pause: Pauses playback.

Next: Moves playback to the next in-point.

Skip: When in sequence mode, skips the playback of the next element after this element finishes.

Next Out: Moves playback to next out-point.

Previous: In simple mode, moves playback to the start of the previous play; in sequence mode, loads the previous sequence.

Previous Out: Moves playback to the previous out-point.

Select Channel: Adds the specified channel to the group of currently controlled channels.

– Argument Name = Channel

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Deselect Channel: Removes the specified channel from the group of currently controlled channels.

– Argument Name = Channel

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Toggle Channel: Toggles the selection of the specified channel in the group of currently controlled channels.

– Argument Name = Channel

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Set Player Selection By Mask: Sets the selected players using a bit mask. This allows you to select / deselect players in a single operation. Players are numbered: [1, 2, 4, 8]. Send the sum of the desired channel numbers. For example, to select channels A, B and D you would send ‘11’ (1 + 2 + 8 = 11)

– Argument Name = Mask

– Type = Int,

– Default = 15,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 15,

– Increment = 1

Set Control to Outputs: Selects the system’s outputs as the target of incoming control commands.

Set Control to Editor: Selects the editor window as the target of incoming control commands.

Go To Timecode: Opens a screen that allows the user to go to a specific Time Code position


Add to Sequence: Adds the specified angle of the currently selected plays to the selected sequences.

– Argument Name = Angle

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Add to Sequence and Prompt: Adds the selected play to the sequence, and prompts the user to select an angle.

Add Good Angles to Sequence: Adds the good angles of the selected play to the selected sequence

Tag Selected: Opens the tag selector window for the selected play.

Select Next Play: Selects the next play in the list if one is available.

Select Previous Play: Selects the previous play in the list if one is available.

Trim In Point Up: Reduces the length of the selected play by one frame by moving the in-point forward.

Trim In Point Down: Increases the length of the selected play by one frame by moving the in-point backward.

Trim Out Point Up: Increases the length of the selected play by one frame by moving the out-point forward.

Trim Out Point Down: Reduces the length of the selected play by one frame by moving the out-point backward.

Toggle Key Play: Toggles the Key Play state of the selected plays.

Set Key Play: Sets the Key Play state of the selected play to true.

Clear Key Play: Sets the Key Play state of the selected plays to false.

Toggle Clip State: Toggles the Clip State for the specified channel on the selected plays.

– Argument Name = Channel

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Set Clip State: Sets the Clip State for the specified channel on the selected plays to Good.

– Argument Name = Channel

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Clear Clip State: Sets the Clip State for the specified channel on the selected plays to No Good.

– Argument Name = Channel

– Type = Int,

– Default = 0,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Cue Selected Play: Cues playback to the beginning of the selected play.

Delete selected plays: Deletes all of the selected plays.

Select all plays: Selects all of the visible plays.

Clear tags: Clears the tags on the selected plays.

Add Tag: Adds the specified tag to the selected plays.

– Argument Name = Tag

– Type = String,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Remove Tag: Removes the specified tag from the selected plays.

– Argument Name = Tag

– Type = String,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Toggle Tag: Toggles the state of the specified tag on the selected plays.

– Argument Name = Tag

– Type = String,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Export Selected: All Angles: Exports all of the angles, for all of the selected plays

Export Using Preset: Exports Plays based on the specified preset

– Argument Name = Preset

– Type = ArchivePresetId,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Export Selected: Good Angles: Exports the good angles, for all of the selected plays

Clear Search: Resets the search box, restoring the complete list of plays

Set Search: Sets the serach term to the specified term, filtering the list of plays

– Argument Name = Text

– Type = String,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Toggle Untagged Plays Filter: Toggles the state of the Untagged Plays filter

Toggle Key Plays Filter: Toggles the state of the Key Plays filter


Record: Starts recording on all channels

Stop Record: Stops recording on all channels

Start Play: Sets the in-point of the currently recording play to the current position.

Save Play: Saves the currently recording play, using the current recording position as it’s out-point.

Save and Cue Play: Saves the currently recording play, using the current recording position as it’s out-point. Also cues playback to the start of the newly created play.


New Sequence: Creates a new sequence.

Duplicate Selected Sequences: Creates an exact copy of each of the selected sequences.

Delete Selected Sequences: Permanently deletes all of the selected sequences.

Export Selected Sequences: Exports all of the currently selected sequences

Export Selected Sequences Using Preset: Exports the selected sequences based on the specified preset

– Argument Name = Preset

– Type = ArchivePresetId,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Cue Selected Sequence: Cues the selected sequence for playback.

Cue Sequence to Output: Cues the selected sequence to the specified output

– Argument Name = **

– Type = Int,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Cue Sequence By Number: Cues the specificed sequence, if it exists, to the first selected output

– Argument Name = **

– Type = Int,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 2147483647,

– Increment = 1

Exit Sequence Mode: Returns the system to Simple playback mode.

Exit Sequence Mode on Output: Return’s the specified output to Simple playback mode.

– Argument Name = **

– Type = Int,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 3,

– Increment = 1

Set Sequence Name: Sets the name of the selected sequences. Template replacement is supported

– Argument Name = Name

– Type = String,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 1,

– Increment = 0

Edit Sequence Name: Opens a dialog that will let you edit the name of the selected sequence.

Edit Sequence Number: Opens a dialog that will let you edit the number of the selected sequence.

Select Next Sequence: Selects the next sequence in the list

Select Previous Sequence: Selects the previous sequence in the list

Copy Selected Sequences: Copies all items from the Selected Sequences to the Clipboard

Paste Into Selected Sequence: Pastes content from the Clipboard to the end of the selected sequence(s)

Open First Item in Editor: Opens the first item from the selected sequence in the editor

Open Active Item in Editor: Opens the currently playing item (if any) from the selected sequence in the Editor

Open Last Item in Editor: Opens the last item of the selected sequence in the Editor

Clear Selected Sequences: Removes all items from the selected sequences


Switch to Angle A: Switches the playback to angle A.

Switch to Angle B: Switches the playback to angle B.

Switch to Angle C: Switches the playback to angle C.

Switch to Angle D: Switches the playback to angle D.

User Macros

Execute User Macro: Triggers the user-defined User macro with the specified id number

– Argument Name = Number

– Type = Int,

– Default = **,

– Minimum = 0,

– Maximum = 20,

– Increment = 1

New Features

ZP-298 OSC control of Zeplay

You can now control Zeplay over the network by sending OSC commands. This is great if you want to use something like a StreamDeck to add shortcut keys for the operator, or as a shotbox for someone else in the control room.

ZP-200 Redesigned macro editor

The macro editor is now easier to use, and we eliminated an annoying issue where the options of an action could be inadvertently reset.

ZP-287 Update grid colors to match the rest of the UI

Performed a cosmetic update that now has Zeplay’s grid controls better matching the rest of the application.

ZP-276 Start searching for controller using last-used port

Zeplay will now search for the control panel starting with the COM port where it was most recently found.

ZP-289 Remember most recently used directory when opening files in the file bin

The Add External Media file selector window will now remember the directory that was previously used, making it easier to select additional files from the same directory.

ZP-290 Show currently loaded macro file name in macro settings screen

The name of the macro file that is currently in-use is now shown at the top of the macro preferences screen.

ZP-291 Tags should be applied in FIFO order not FILO

Tags are now added to plays in “first-in-first-out” order. This means that if you tag something as “Run” and then add the tag “Home”, it will end up as “Run, Home” where previously it would have been “Home, Run”

ZP-295 Hold Start Play and Save Play to start recording

You can now press and hold Start Play and Save Play at the same time to begin recording.

ZP-296 Speed up opening existing games

Improved the speed of opening existing games.

ZP-323 Editor button will automatically open an item if nothing is currently open

Pressing the Editor button on the controller (immediately to the right of the Time Display key) will now open the last item of the selected sequence if nothing is open in the editor. Pressing Shift + Editor will always open the last item of the selected sequence.

ZP-328 Housekeeping shows “unassociated” files and allows user to delete them

Housekeeping now detects and shows a line for ‘unassociated’ files. These are files that were created as part of a game that has since been deleted. It should be safe to delete these files if you see this line show up in the Housekeeping screen.

ZP-311 Add hardware capabilities for R8 Pro

Zeplay now correctly detects the capabilities of the new R8 Pro hardware model.

ZP-297 Add optional Diagnostics screen to preferences that allows us to enable / disable logging

Added a hidden screen that allows our support team to easily enable and disable diagnostic logging.

ZP-300 Switcher buttons should switch angle in the editor

The Switcher A, B, C, D buttons on the control panel will now change the angle of the current item in the editor window.

ZP-305 Add Macro actions to switch angle of item open in the editor

Added macro actions that allow you to switch the angle of the currently selected item in the Editor

ZP-283 Macro action to open last item in the editor

Added two new macro actions that make working with the editor easier: - Open Last Item: brings the last item in the selected sequence up in the Editor Window - Close Current Item: clears the currently open item from the Editor Window

ZP-284 Macro action to set sequence name based on a template

Added a new macro action that allows you to set the name of a sequence using a template that can be filled in with various information.

ZP-331 Add Macro action to clear selected sequences

Added a macro action that removes all items from the currently selected sequence(s). Be careful!

Bugs Fixed

ZP-256 Zeplay application can crash if configured Watch Folder is inaccessible

Fixed an issue that could cause Zeplay to crash at startup when the user-defined Watch Folder didn’t exist. This typically happened when Zeplay was watching a directory on a SAN system that wasn’t actually connected.

ZP-264 Links don’t work in Zeplay manual

Fixed an issue that prevented hyperlinks from working when viewing the Zeplay manual PDF file.

ZP-307 Export leaves extra copy of content in E:if a different path is set

When exporting to a remote destination, Zeplay first exports the file to a local drive, and then moves the item to the final path. Fixed an issue where the temporary file wasn’t being deleted, which wasted disk space

ZP-318 Zeplay crash if an item follows one with a preset rate of 0%

Resolved an issue that could cause the Zeplay application to crash when a specific sequence was open in the Storyboard window.

ZP-320 Race condition crash when updating the description of a Sequence Item

Fixed an issue that could lead to a rare crash.

ZP-321 Shift + Mark In / Out changes current play’s out point even when the editor is being controlled

Pressing Shift + Mark In, or Shift + Mark Out will no longer modify the current play while you are controlling the Editor window

ZP-322 Zeplay application crash in loading screen

Added a check to prevent a possible crash as the Zeplay application first starts.

ZP-302 Enhanced recovery code for games that previously failed to start recording

Improved the recovery code for a rare situation where a game fails to start recording.

Macro Commands