Zeplay Release Notes

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Zeplay Version:
Release Date:
Last Updated:
November 29, 2012
November 20, 2018
Release Notes:

Bug 6273 | ZEPLAY sometimes plays back corrupt audio

-Fixed an issue that could cause audio distortion on playback.

Bug 6346 | Storyboard window sometimes unexpectedly resets scroll

-Fixed an issue that would cause the storyboard to scroll back to the right.  This problem could lead to Paste operations putting items in the wrong spot as well.

Bug 6537 | Interruption of Incoming SDI signal can cause momentary disruption of output signal

-An interruption of incoming SDI e.g. disconnecting the cable, will no longer cause the output video to flash to black.

Bug 6541 | ATTO Raid monitoring sometimes 'cries wolf', when there is in fact nothing wrong

-Fixed a problem that was causing the ATTO Raid monitoring code to incorrectly report an error.

Bug 6727 | Incoming AES audio can be interrupted when using certain Analog to AES converters

-We fixed an issue that would cause the audio input to mute the signal for very short periods of time when using specific Analog to AES converters.

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